Oklahoma Security Guard Practice Exam 2024 - Free Oklahoma Security Guard Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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Question: 1 / 50

Every licensee under the PSISA must provide which of the following information to the Registrar within five business days following a change?

Licensee’s mailing address for service

The mailing address of every branch office of the licensee

The street address of the licensee’s office and brand offices, if different from the mailing address

All of the above

All of the above options are incorrect because they do not accurately represent the information that a licensee is required to provide to the Registrar within five business days following a change. Option A only includes the mailing address for service, while option B only includes the mailing address of branch offices. Option C is also incorrect as it only mentions the street address of the offices but not the mailing address. The correct answer is option D, as it includes all three pieces of information required by the Registrar, which are the mailing address for service, the mailing address of branch offices, and the street address of the offices if different from the mailing address.


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